Nominated for the “One Lovely Blog Award”

One Lovely Blog AwardI’ve been nominated for the One Lovely Blog award by Streejit Poole at Of Mind or Matter at  Streejit writes beautiful poetry and has a book that is available for purchase through as well.  His bio reads as follows “Philosopher, poet, musician, cook, Sreejit Poole’s writing reflects his quest for meaning in an ever changing world. Living in the ashrams of revered saint Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma), for the past 20 years, he has learned the power of service to humanity at the feet of one of the world’s great humanitarians. In his most recent work, Of Mind Or Matter, Sreejit takes us on the journey of humility through the knowledge that we all have a purpose greater than ourselves.”  Please check out his site.

I am thankful for him for nominating me for this award.

The rules for this award are:

1.  Thank and link back to the person that nominated you… thanks again to the very interesting and inspiring Sreejit Poole at Of Mind or Matter,

2   Post the award picture in your post.
(I found the picture by doing a simple search on the Internet)

3.  Tell 7 things about yourself.

1 -I have always had an interest in writing, but have not been very secure about it… starting this blog (as well as two others) is my very first attempt at sharing what I do.  I am finally finding a voice, and a cathartic one at that.

2- For years I have suffered from severe bipolar-manic depression and have struggled between extreme highs and severe lows.  I have pushed so many people away because of these maladies that there is almost nobody left in my life.

3- The love of my life is my significant other, and he has been there through thick and thin with me.  While I have not always been confident that he would be there, I am trying to gain the confidence that he loves me for who I am and that I deserve him.

4- I enjoy traveling, and have moved more times than I care to count.  As a child, I lived in Arizona, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, and Montana, then continued the moving as an adult and have lived in California, Oregon, Washington, and Texas as well.  I have been to several other countries as well… My preference is to travel for fun and would like to quit being such a traveler out of need.

5- I have two children, both of whom I love dearly, but who do not speak to me at the moment.  Unfortunately, the mistakes of the past are haunting me, as the relationships I suffered with my parents are repeating themselves in a different way… I hope to work through those in the future.

6- I have dreams that I am scared to share.

7- I live an alternative lifestyle that I love and that I am just now appreciating more than ever.  I write about it in my other blogs.

4.  Nominate 15 other bloggers and notify them of the nomination.

Awesome blogs…. please go check them out!!!    – Patrick Latter – Photography

5 thoughts on “Nominated for the “One Lovely Blog Award”

    • Dr. Jenner,
      You are most welcome. As you can probably tell from my blog, the study and care of the human of the human mind is very near and dear to my heart. The fact that you have dedicated your studies to it is most respectable. I am honored to be able to recommend your site.

      Best of luck to you, always.


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